Diabetes specialist nursing celebrated at national conference

The Diabetes Specialist Nurse (DSN) Forum UK welcomed more than 200 delegates from across the UK to its national conference where AI, homelessness and obesity were discussed.

After the success of the inaugural event in 2023, the conference returned this year as a two-day event to share more evidence-based practice, research and knowledge around diabetes nursing.

Delegates attended sessions on AI in diabetes, neurodivergence and diabetes and caring for people living with diabetes experiencing homelessness.

A feisty debate about the best treatment modality for those living with obesity also took place during the conference.

In addition, the DSN Forum UK announced that it is looking to recruit registered nurses to its team.

NHS England directors Dr Clare Hambling and Professor Partha Kar also attended the day to give updates on diabetes care for 2025.

Diabetes specialist nurse Rahman Hashim won the poster presentation award this year with her PhD project: Understanding sexual dysfunction in premenopausal women living with type 1 diabetes.

This year, the DSN Forum UK were able to secure a complimentary hotel stay overnight for delegates, which included dinner, breakfast and lunch.

Beth Kelly, Director of the DSN Forum UK, said: “It was such an amazing day. Every year people tell us about how they struggle to afford the entrance fees, travel and hotel stays required to attend national level conferences.

“This year we wanted to go all out and try to provide this for as many nurses as we can. Money shouldn’t be a barrier to professional development and learning.

“Unfortunately, with the NHS in severe money difficulties, nursing education is often not a priority. However, with diabetes specialist nurses being the ones to deliver a lot of diabetes care, they should have access to special level content appropriate to their role.”

She added: “We are really hoping we can continue to do this next year. We want to thank all the sponsors and speakers as well as Team LKOTT for organising the event”.

The conference was held at the Tara Copthorne hotel in Kensington, London on Wednesday, October 2 and Thursday, October 3.

According to the organisers, this is the only conference for diabetes specialist nurses specifically designed by diabetes specialist nurses.

The content was all requested from DSN Forum UK members and designed with celebrating diabetes specialist nurses in mind.

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