Responses sought for GIRFT’s snapshot inpatient diabetes survey

Diabetes inpatient teams across England are being urged to take part in a GIRFT survey to help create a snapshot of current service provision.

Site teams are asked to fill in the questionnaire (one per site), which takes between 30 to 60 minutes to complete.

The GIRFT national report for diabetes was published in 2020, following data-driven deep dives to more than 100 trusts.

This snapshot survey will allow the GIRFT team to assess progress made on the report’s recommendations and to identify where gaps and variation still exist, informing GIRFT’s improvement initiatives and guidance going forwards.

Results from the survey will allow you to compare your service provision and activity with the national picture, including:

  • Changes in the inpatient workload
  • Use of CGM for therapeutic decision making
  • Composition of the team following the end of transformation funding
  • Diabetes Inpatient Specialist Nurse provision compared with that calculated using the JBDS and GIRFT Return on Investment Tool
  • The proportion of people with diabetes seen on the same day by the inpatient team
  • The proportion of people with diabetes permitted to self-manage their insulin.

It will also provide contact details of the lead inpatient DSN and lead inpatient diabetes consultant for communicating future GIRFT information and projects.

Professor Gerry Rayman, GIRFT’s Joint Clinical Lead for Diabetes, said: “We’d urge all sites nationwide to complete our questionnaire – maybe as a team exercise – to help provide an update on current service provision across England.

“We will then use the results understand which of the GIRFT recommendations have been adopted and where more support is needed to achieve improvements in patient care.”

Click here to fill in the GIRFT diabetes snapshot survey.

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