Agenda release: UK Diabetes Inpatient Forum Conference 2022

The UK Diabetes Inpatient Forum has released the full agenda for its forthcoming national conference, which is taking place later this month. 

Entitled ‘100 Years of Insulin Conference 2022’, the online event will be held on the afternoon of Thursday, January 27, to mark 100 years since insulin was first administered to a human.

Professor Gerry Rayman, Consultant Diabetologist and Clinical Lead for Diabetes GIRFT, is chairing the network’s first national event and will open the online conference and greet the virtual attendees with a chair’s welcome.

Professor Partha Kar OBE, National Specialty Advisor for Diabetes with NHS England, and Dr Mayank Patel, Consultant in Diabetes and Acute Medicine, will kickstart the speaker presentations with a session entitled ‘Insulin: Days of Future, Past and Present’.

The two consultants have teamed up to create a collection of comic books which highlight elements of life for people living with type 1 diabetes.

Their session will provide an overview of the comic books, with a brief focus on volume two of the comics, ‘attack of the ketones’, where a character is hospitalised with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), but an error occurs during her treatment, highlighting the potential risks that can occur in hospital for those with type 1 diabetes if insulin is delayed or missed.

During the conference, June James, Independent Nurse Consultant and Co-Chair of Trend Diabetes, will be exploring the time frame of insulin development in her session ‘Insulin safety through the years’.

She will discuss how technological advancements have improved the way insulin is administered to people living with diabetes, such as closed loop systems and injection technique guidance. In her session, June will also share common risk factors that are associated with insulin.

She said: “On this 100th anniversary of the use of insulin, it is important to review just how care using this treatment has changed.

“Over the last century, there has been significant innovation in the type and action of different insulins and how insulin is delivered.”

She added: “With change, however, comes risks of insulin error. These are frequently related to the prescribing, preparation, and delivery of insulin therapy.”

A symposium entitled ‘An Ageing Population – What Concepts to Consider When Managing Diabetes’ will take place midway through the conference, with Diabetes Specialist Nurse Jane Rowney announced as the speaker and Erwin Castro, Diabetes Nurse Consultant and Chair of the Diabetes Inpatient Specialist Nurse Group UK, as the chair.

Alongside chairing the entire conference, Prof Rayman will also be speaking about how insulin therapy has advanced during the course of his career.

In his talk, he will review the changes in insulin therapy that he has witnessed over his 40-year-long career in diabetes. Glass syringes, steel needles, hybrid closed loop systems and stem cell therapy will be at the forefront of Prof Rayman’s presentation.

Professor Ketan Dhatariya, Consultant in Diabetes and Endocrinology, will round up the speaker sessions with his presentation, ‘The history of Diabetic Ketoacidosis’.

Recently labelled as the world’s top expert for diabetic ketoacidosis, Prof Dhatariya will explore the early studies on the management of DKA and how they have led to the current guidelines.

He said: “There remain many areas of uncertainty and it may be argued that the ADA guidelines are no longer fit for purpose.

“There are few studies ongoing to help inform clinical practice; however, with the availability of IT and large data gathering capability, there is new hope that evidence will inform the next versions of the guidelines rather than expert opinion. The outlook for the management of DKA looks good.”

Registered delegates will have the opportunity to attend every session and will be able to ask questions to each speaker at the end of their presentation.

The UK Diabetes Inpatient Forum was established to share best practice and the latest developments and research in diabetes inpatient care. Its mission is to provide high-quality education for professionals to improve inpatient care for people with diabetes.

Novo Nordisk has provided sponsorship to the ‘100 Years of Insulin Conference 2022’ to cover the development costs of project administration and management.

Novo Nordisk has had no influence over the creation, development or content of the ‘100 Years of Insulin Conference 2022’ and full control remains the full responsibility of the UK Diabetes Inpatient Forum.

To register your free places for the conference, click here.

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